As human beings living on planet Earth, we are designed to be in symbiosis with out natural environment. Our organ function, fat storage, and energy levels, and hormones are deeply connected to our seasons- in the same way that menstrual cycles are linked with the moon cycles and the tides due
to gravitational pull.
As I have mentioned in an article about our moon, it is only in more recent years we have become disconnected to these natural ebbs and flows. Our work hours would of once been shorter in the winter due to the dependance on natural light, and we would harvest accordingly and eat in a way that didn't cooerce nature to cater to our needs but we met Her half way, nurturing Her to reap well, and reading Her to know how to live beside Her in a way that benefit both man and land.
Every part of our lives would of been in tandem with nature. Now with artificial lighting, western medicine, mass farming of crops and animals, Gregorian calander, and modern means of manufacturing, we no longer connect our lifestyle or our state of 'being' with the natural world around us. We see ourselves as independant from our home, Earth.
But it is interesting to me that despite our rejection of this natural pull to rest in alignment with Mother Earth, we still can't help but connect!
A 'Spring clean' is a ritual for many, making space for the 'new'. This energy of newness, freshness, and Lightness speaks to me in my core.
As the days become longer and the colours of cheerful blooms appear, my mood is lifted and I feel a spring in my step.
This winter just passed has been a real introspective time for me where I have had to 'go in', and deal with digging new foundations for new stronger roots. Spring is now here and the new roots are ready to grow deep, and healthily on fertile ground, on terra firma.
The Spring Equinox of this year lands today, the 20/03/21. An equinox is when day and night are of equal length, so it signals that we are moving into increasingly lighter longer days. We are on our way out of the darkness. This is symbolic on some very obvious levels as a planet in a pandemic, and in the microcosmic levels for us all on a personal levels.
The other day, after a dark few weeks, I smelt the sweet smell of a positive change on the wind, whispering the promise of joyful times to come. I couldn't decifer if it was of the Spirit or of the Spring, or if it was both at once, either way, I open myself to it, and I hope you will too.
With love
X Lulu
en harmonic resonance , that change in the wind the blossoming and up cycle of a new time Love this thank you